Friday, September 28, 2012

Deliverability is a #1 Priority

Here at Kobemail, deliverabilty is our number one priority. Below are some elements of email messaging that can cause blocks on ISP’s and ultimately effect the outcome of your email marketing campaigns.
Technical sending problemsthat include, but are not limited to, incorrect message headers, errors in authentication records, and improperly set up domain name servers.
Excessive Bed Emails such as invalid email addresses and sending to individuals who have not opted in for your emails – It is important to cleanse your list regularly.
Numerous Spam Complaints which ultimately cause the ISP to stop allowing messages through for a specific period of time after which messages will be closely monitored to combat complaints.
Email Content – It is important to analyze and test the content of your emails to determine what elements may be causing your emails to be blocked. Below are some content issues that could lead to blocking:
- Vague subject lines
- Sexually explicit terms
- Mention of drugs, gambling, alcohol
- Strange and unqualified language in content.
- Repetitive text content
- Not having a 60/40 text to image ratio
- Presence of multiple phone numbers
- Marketing Terms (free offer, satisfaction guaranteed, etc)
If you find that your address has been blacklisted you can contact the ISP for which the block occurred to locate and resolve the issue. We’re always here at KobeMail to help with email marketing advice and deliverability assurance.
Happy Friday!
- The KobeMail Team

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