Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Social Media and Email Marketing- Ways to Connect

Last week we discussed the importance of uniting the old-school and the new-age marketing giants – email promotion and social media, to create dialogue, drive content, and give insight into future campaigns.

Below are some really simple ways to incorporate social media into your email marketing campaigns that can help in maximizing reach and enhancing your brand personality:

  1. Provide incentive for joining multiple outlets – If you’ve just got involved in social media, or aren’t happy with the results you’ve seen thus far encourage sign up by featuring a reward for “becoming a fan” or “tweeting” about your company – You could offer a coupon or even just a little personal recognition which go a long way in building brand loyalty.

  2. Drive traffic just like you would to your website – These social media outlets are an extension of your online presence, just like you use “read more” on emails to drive traffic to your website, “share” or “like” buttons drive traffic to your social networking sites (and help to increase click through rates).

  3. Use your email header or footer to house widgets that link to social media outlets – these little gizmos catch the eye of users, and simple to find, easy to use, and a great way to consistently promote your social media throughout your email campaigns.

  4. Use social media outlets to hype up and build anticipation for upcoming mailings- Tweet or post about something interesting that can only be found in the newsletter (a new contest, an exclusive article, etc) and make sure to give the option to sign up if the individual isn’t already an email recipient.

  5. Develop a cool video and provide a link in your mailing - Whether it’s a help video or a funny anecdote, your customers will appreciate you feeding them information in an interactive way. Don’t be afraid to have a personality or try something new – be a pioneer.

  6. Encourage post-purchase activity- Engage in conversation by prompting users to share their experience via social media after a purchase, interaction with an employee, or simply after reading of an article – of course, a high level of quality content and professionalism need to be present for comments to be positive and subsequently this to be beneficial.

  7. Feature customer quotes or even give them a feature - Show customers that they can be heard through the social media outlets – Give them a voice and they will be more inclined to join. By featuring consumer quotes you promote transparency and generate positive conversation.

…and as always don’t forget to produce quality content. You can utilize all the social media tools you want but if customers don’t trust your company, these outlets can defiantly backfire. Giving consumers a voice is a double edged sword – so make sure to master processes and identity internally before you promote externally.

Look out next week for “Social Media & Emails Marketing Part 3: Tips” the final segment in this blog thread. Good luck & happy emailing from your friends at KobeMail!

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