Monday, December 17, 2012

KobeMails Most Helpful Tips from 2012 – Part 1

What better way to end the year but with a helpful reminder of our biggest tips from 2012. Have a look at these various blurbs from previous blogs and feel free to check out all of our posts here.

Mailing to users who haven’t engaged could be important to converting them back in. These users can still be valuable to you if you can think of ways to re-engage them. Separate these users from your engaging users and send a specific message to them to help get them engaged again. Learn more.

Gmail Filtering
Gmails complex filtering system uses a multiple tier system based on pattern analysis, virus/phishing detection, and most importantly user preference analytics to ensure that spam stays out of the inbox. Find out what you can do to help pass Gmail filters.

Here at Kobemail, deliverabilty is our number one priority. Check out some elements of email messaging that can cause blocks on ISP’s and ultimately effect the outcome of your email marketing campaigns.

Reaching a vast market, which spans across multiple time zones, can be a difficult task. The Its important to collect information regarding how to best target recipients in and outside the country in the most effective manner to get the best possible results. Learn more.
Check out our website and keep us in mind if you’re looking to outsource for your email marketing needs. Stay tuned for “Part 2” of Helpful tips next week. Happy Holidays everyone!
Author: Various
Editor: Caitlin Durand

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