Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Multi-Use Content

Creating quality content takes time and as marketers we understand that time is always of the essence. In a rapidly changing industry where new technology brings about new ideas, products, offerings in shorter and shorter periods it is important to present relevant content to the user across multiple channels.

Taking the time to draw a roadmap of your digital marketing strategy equipped with an outline of business offerings, target markets, and company goals will help make your content moldable to work for you in numerous outlets.  With basic content draw up all you have to do is analyze the posting location and make it work for that specific outlet.
Let’s look at Social Media channels as a perfect example. If you read an interesting article that you want to share don’t just post the link on your website and be done with it. Write a blog which incorporates aspects of the article while keeping your company’s bottom line in mind. After posting the blog manipulate its content to turn it into an informational mailer for loyal customers. Tweeting about the article or wall post in a creative manner would always be great multiuse examples of one piece of content.
When creating quality content think of ways to use it across all digital media outlets and for multiple purposes in an attempt to save time and maximize benefit.  

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