Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Influence of Social Media

I’m sure you’ve seen some version of this video before but it’s just too good to not talk about again and again. Understanding the enormity of the effects social media is having on the marketplace is beyond difficult. The online arena is constantly transforming, new channels to reach consumers are invented each day, and all this technology is presented to the user instantly with a simple click. How do we ever keep up? Maybe that’s why most of us got into the Marketing industry in the first place – it certainly is never a dull moment. Check out the video below and be prepared to be in awe that these facts are actually true.

Here’s just a glimpse:
·          Each day 20% of Google searches have never been searched before
·         Social Media has become the #1 activity on the web
·         92% of children under the age of 2 have a digital shadow
·         Every 2 seconds a new member joins likedin
Author & Editor: Caitlin Durand

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