Outlined here, are a few reasons why email marketing is not dead, and in fact, can be more beneficial to companies now more than ever.
- Email marketing allows you to understand your audience. By tracking open percentages, it is easy to see what specific content readers respond to. Keeping track of these reports are also valuable when creating future campaigns and calls-to-action.
- Email is a part of social media! Using email marketing allows you to connect with your readers just about as often as they are checking their Facebook and Twitter sites.
- The bottom line: email marketing creates results. With email marketing, you aren’t restricted to conventional advertising tactics. Emails allow you to communicate with readers, increase web traffic, customize content, and see direct results!
- With all the different digital media forms out there, email is the best way to integrate all your marketing efforts. Rather than having distinct, non-cohesive messages between websites, in-person interactions, text messages, and social media sites, email marketing is a great tool for coordinating all your promotions and announcements
Author: Kayla Sfiligoj
Editor: Caitlin Durand